Discover YourSelf (DY)

On this page you will find links to (mostly free) tests and self exploratory reflections that will help you discover yourself (DY)--your call in life, talents/gifts, strengths and weakness all of which are prerequesites tools in aid to your personal financial freedom and success in life.

The aim is to acquire skills/expertise to create ‘positive cash flow, surplus’,  invest on the ‘passive income’ vehicles so as to buy (acquire) FINANCIAL FREEDOM—time and choice to fulfil YOUR call in life
□Tim Kyara, author, writer, teacher, gospel minister


DY1. Discover YourSELF TEST (Small Charge*)
Do you know and understand your strengths and possible weaknesses. Do you know how your character profile affects how you behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way? what job role, business or profession placement will suit you best? Take the Belbin® self-perception inventory test.

Belbin Self-Perception Inventory Test is a questionnaire test that takes about 20 minutes to complete and cost £30*. Your scores are interpreted by our e-interplace programme which then generate your report and sent back to you within minutes.

Your self-perception inventory report will give you a 4-page report that gives you an overview of your behaviour, along with advice on how to project your strengths and be aware of potential weaknesses*.

Dr Meredith Belbin® and his research team at Henley Management College set about observing teams which lead to identify clusters of individual behaviours.

To know more follow the link:
Follow this link to order the test:

(*disclaimer: the test is recommended in good faith, please use your discretion to decide whether or not it is for you. Neither I nor C4E are an agent of Belbin® or receive financial (or any form of) gain resulting from your purchase of the Belbin® test and/or any products sold by them directly or indirectly)

DY2. Personal Finance Health Check (FREE)
We take our cars for health check annually (MOT-UK), we visit our GP for medical check-up, but rarely do we sit down to assess our personal finance stance—whether or not we are doing ok, need tuning or overhaul!

In response to the recent financial crisis, the UK Government established an independent money advice service* in effort to empower individuals to understand their personal finance and take charge of their personal finance.

If you would like to get a free confidential financial health check, please click on the links below. The process takes about 10 minutes and costs you no more than your valuable time.

Why take the health check?
  For helpful, unbiased money advice
  Get a clear picture of your finances
  Make the most of your money

What you’ll get out of it
  An action plan, tailored to you
  Simple steps you can take now
  Clear goals you can work towards

Personal Finance Health Check:
For more on this service go to:

(*disclaimer: the check is recommended in good faith, please use your discretion to decide whether or not it is for you. Neither I nor C4E are an agent of Money Advice Service or receive financial (or any form of) gain resulting from your running the check and/or any products sold by them directly or indirectly)

DY3. Discover your life PURPOSE, CALL (FREE)
There are two great days in your life, the day you were born and the day you discover why. Until you discover why you are here, you will serve and pursue inferior and unworthy goals which will only serve you with eluded fulfilment.

Fulfilment in life comes from knowing your call (purpose for which you were created) and serve, pursue that purpose with unfathomable relentless and obsession regardless of whether it gives you power, money or not (well eventually it will).

You will only achieve greatness and untold accomplishments if you pursue your unique call, for you are wired (gifted, talented) by the almighty God to be and do so. Anything else is simply a mediocre and compromise of who you are.

Steve Pavlina (Personal development for smart people) suggests the following simple method (which I highly recommend) to discover your purpose in life:

1. Take a blank sheet of paper and pen or open a MS word processor
    fresh page where you can type.
2. Write at the top, “What is my true purpose in life?”, bold the letters  
    and underline J
3. Write any answer that pops into your head (mind). A short phrase is
    fine, it does not have to be a complete sentence.
4. Repeat step 3 until you write the answer that makes you cry…This is
    your purpose.

NOTE: Some people have more than one purpose in life, but no one is without a purpose.

DY4. Discover your SPIRITUAL GIFT (FREE)
There are two great days in your life, the day you were born again and the day you discover why. Proverbs 18:16 says that “man’s gift will make ROOM (space, opportunity, way) for him, PAR.

Facts about your Gift:
¬your gift is a REWARD to someone,
¬someone desperately NEEDS your gift,
¬your gift is designed to SOLVE PROBLEMS,
¬those who solve problems GET PAID,
¬there are SPIRITUAL gifts, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and NATURAL gifts (God given from birth)!

Ministry tool centre (online service) provides a free tool to use to discover your spiritual gift. I will encourage you to log onto: (scroll down to answer online 35 questions which could assist you in discovery of your God given spiritual gift(s)). To take your test now follow the Link: (scroll to down to find the test)

Ken Ellis, Min, also provides online tests to discover your spiritual gifts. He provides two versions, one for adult (140 questions) and one for youth (100 questions):

(*disclaimer: the test is recommended in good faith, please use your discretion to decide whether or not it is for you. Neither I nor C4E are an agent of the above online services or receive financial (or any form of) gain resulting from your use of the tests and/or any products sold by them directly or indirectly)