Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Desire to Win is Godly!

We are all born with the desire to be on top, winner, No.1. The desire to win is Godly, the desire to win at any cost may not be, the desire to win even by violating the rights and or at the expense of others is Satanic [Demonic, Evil by Nature].

Every person born was born because he/she is a winner; a healthy adult male can release between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation but ONLY one will reach the target ahead of all and get fertilized. That one in 40 million is YOU.

Napoleon Hill once said, An educated man is not, necessarily, one who has an abundance of general or specialized knowledge. An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything he wants, or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.”

What I am trying to say is, the DESIRE in you to be a WINNER is not EVIL; it is GODLY and VIRTUOUS in essence. How you go about it is another thing.

So how do you win against all odds, against all evil in the world without compromising your morality and beliefs?
#1: CHOOSE right now to live by Choice, not Chance, change begins within you.
#2: DEFINE specifically what your win is – in lifetime, 10yrs, 5yrs, 3yrs and 1yr.
#3: WRITE it down – there is a reason everything of value is written down, WRITE.
#4: STUDY what you consider your win – get in a group, buy a book, video, STUDY
#5: PLAN your ROUTE – you need a MAP for any destination you have not been.
#6: STICK to the plan – promise yourself to keep at it faithfully until you win.

"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved" William Bryan

If we blindfold Mohammed Ally or Mike Tyson, anyone can win a fight against him –reason? He will not see his target. "It is virtually impossible to hit a target you cannot see" Zig Ziglar

What you do not write down, stays lingering in your mind, clogging its ability to efficiently create ideas to realize your desires. "Use your mind for creative thinking not for storage" Jim Rohn,

Be, Do, Have; you must become in order to do and consequently get what you desire. Study Law to become a Lawyer, Study Medicine to become a Doctor, Study Engineering to become an Engineer, Study Wealth, Happiness, Success, Prosperity, Health to BEcome it.
"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail" Old Adage,

"If you fail to persist, you will persist in failing" Author Unknown

In His Service,

Tim Kyara

Wednesday 30 September 2015

The Esau Generation

A story is told of a hunter who, after a day's work came home empty handed, find his twin-brother, a tent_dweller, with a ravishing rabbit stew. Hungry as he was, he asked his brother for the meal and his brother said, "you can have it for a price", "what is the price", asked the hunter drooling for the meal, "rabbit stew, right now, for your place as first born son".

Without hesitation, driven by the pain of his hunger, he asked, "where do I sign?" and he sold his birthright (his inheritance and bright future) for a single_meal.

I tell this story to illustrate this one very crucial point; we all have short_term needs (and wants) and long_term goals. The trouble comes when we sacrifice the long-term goals at the altar of the short-term needs.

What I mean is this, you want to save_money for that business capital, buy a house, go back to college but for you to save money, you have to go without your ''usual'' eatery and dressy. Can you handle that? Save money or spend money to keep up your "image", short-term needs (wants rather) versus long term-goals (desire|dream)?

You work 9 – 5/6D a week but aspire to become entrepreneur, to do that you will have to cut down on your 9 – 5 or steal away some family, resting or God time in order to invest on the future you so desperately desire. Continue with employment, to satisfy your short-term needs (wants rather) over the long-term goals (desire|dream)?

Many of us have chosen to continue satisfying the short-term needs, praying and HOPING somehow God, Universe (or rich Uncle) will take care of our long-term goals. I am here to burst your bubble, unless YOU change, nothing WILL change for you; unless YOU INVEST in the future you desire, it will never come.

What we sow – we reap, likewise, what we reap – we have sown in the past. Look at your TODAY, it is the result of what you INVESTED YESTERDAY. if you don't like what you have today, DO SOMETHING with your TODAY.PRESENT so that you can have a DESIRED TOMORROW.

Sow laziness and unpreparedness, ignorance and lay-backness – you reap poverty and backwardness. Sow diligence, preparedness, knowledge and pro-activeness, spend well your time and money – reap wealth, long happy life - DreamLife.

If you are in Dar, I invite you to INVEST 2 hours of your time, come to a FREE Hekima Clinic Coaching Session this Friday 2nd October @ Victoria Service Station, 5pm to 7pm. This month we are looking at 7.Obstacles 2.DreamLife_do you know what is stopping you from working on your dream.

In His Service,

Tim Kyara
Financial Freedom Fighter
Hekima TV_YouTube

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Confession of a Dream Killer

I am a dream killer; I take shape, size, form and personality to blend in with my opponent – the dreamer with chief aim TO KILL the dream i.e. a hopeful future.

Here is how I work
#1. I aim to prevent conception by keeping the dreamer in ignorance,
#2. If the a dream is conceived, I induce abortion by fear, self-doubt and unbelief,
#3. If a dream is born, I kill the baby by poison called procrastination and mediocrity

Using ignorance as my keen tool, I have kept millions from thinking and hence dreaming – leading to no conception in the hearts of men. For the few thousands who manage to escape my vice and conceive, I have a powerful drug of concocted mix of fear and un-belief; if I can inject enough dose of this to a conceived dreamer, abortion is inevitable.

Yet still for few hundreds who fall through my hands conceiving and bearing a dream, I have a special assassination plan executed by two skilful assassins called procrastination and self-doubt, it is next to impossible to escape their powerful riffle – except for the very few who have learnt how to bullet proof their dream – baby.

Protect You and Your Baby
Here is what you need to do, if you are to protect your dream baby:

i. Deal with your Ignorance
You must be a "student" for life, study your dream, study from those who have done what you would like to do, get a mentor if you can or buy books, dvd and youtube downloads from your favourite.topic|speakers. Learn from the failures – what not to do and learn from the success stories – what to do.

ii. Deal with Fear, Self-Doubt and Unbelief
Fear believes something dreadful (bad) will happen; it does not mean it will happen but you are afraid it might and you become anxious and despondent.
 fear_face the things you fear [what won't kill you, will make you strong]
 un-belief_is believing you don't believe, it is deadly to your dream. If anyone can, YOU can.

iii. Deal with Mediocrity and Procrastination
Procrastination (and mediocre life style) is a result of deep-rooted fear that what you have to do either will not change much or will not matter at all in the bottom line. If a knife is thrown your direction, will you procrastinate moving out of the way? Of course not.

We deal with procrastination by writing a list of what we want to do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually and 5yrs, 10yrs, 20yrs and lifetime. Then write the impact of both doing and not doing. What happens if your income will remain the same a year from now?

Peace be Unto you,
In His Service,

Tim Kyara
iCoach|Hekima Consultant 
Financial Freedom Fighter
Hekima TV_YouTube

Monday 31 August 2015

Seekers and Knockers

Who is to be Blamed?
If you look at your bank balance and you are not happy, if you live in a house you hate, work where and in what you are not happy with, dress and eat what you have to not what you would like to . . . if you would like to have more time with family, travel abroad for holiday and give more to the less fortunate, then I am talking to you today!

The person to blame for your dislike and misery is not to be found at state-house or public office. The person to be blamed or praised for who and what you have become can be found when you stare in the mirror – that's right, YOU!

Today is your yesterday's future, it is not an accident – it is a result of what you planned (or neglected to plan) and implemented yesterday. Likewise, tomorrow will not be an accident, good or bad lack . . . it will be a product of your doing today.

"Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail", there is no two ways about it, if you don't plan your income, health, education, career, relationship etc you are planning to fail it. Those who plan, prepare and brace for the future will employ, manage and rule over those who don't – this is the hard truth of life.

If you don't like what you do [have become], where you live, what you wear, school that your children go to, your business, employment etc the answer is simple, CHANGE IT. You have the power to change your tomorrow by changing your today – your NOW.

answer to ''How Do I Change?''
1] List what you don't like in your – Relationships, Personal Achievement, Finances etc
2] List down the reason you don't like what you have written as response to No.1 above,
3] List what you would like 1 above to be one year from now, 5yrs, 10yrs and LifeTime
4] List what you can do right now aiming to realize the one-year list {seed, cause, sow}
5] List your personal statement commitment to follow through –see and read it daily

If you can do 1 to 5 as shown above CONGRATUTATIONS!!!
You have already created your LIFE-PLAN and you are on your way to success!!!

1. Most people will find it easy to list what they don't like in their life but struggle to write what they would like the same to be in a year, 5, 10 and life time but keep at it (get pen and paper and it will come to you, trust me)

2. When listing what you would like to be in a year, 5,10 and lifetime – don't think on the HOW, the how has nothing to do with you at this stage…shoot for the moon and if you miss, you will still be among the stars – [Les Brown]. BUT you must write what you believe is "possible" for you, especially for the one–year part.

If your one-year list is too small it will not motivate you, if too big will paralyze you in fear and despair. It must be big enough to stretch and grow you but not too big that you choke on it…how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time!

3. Personal statement must be true about who you are, what you feel and believe about yourself – this is your life philosophy it is the driver that moves you from within. SEE it and READ it DAILY until it becomes your personal anthem.

4. Those who won't DO the list on No.1, will not do No.2, 3, 4 and 5 and their life will be exactly the same year after year but with increased frustration and dispear because now they KNOW BETTER but lack personal resolve to DO BETTER.

5. How do you change your resolve (will power)? Seek until you find what you desire and Knock until the doors are opened for you. HOW: 1. Become a Lifelong Student of self and what you pursue, buy a notebook and pen, text books – read, study, workout. 2. Join a Study Group of likeminded individuals – don't be a lone traveler…in college we had study groups for coursework and preparations for exams – do you think life exams and coursework are simpler?

Peace be Unto you,
In His Service,

Tim Kyara
iCoach|Hekima Consultant 
Financial Freedom Fighter
Hekima TV_YouTube

Saturday 15 August 2015

Got Pass-Port of Entry?

Every time we want to cross a ‘border’, one country to another [one kingdom to another, one authority to another], we will be asked to produce a valid ‘Passport’ with visa.

The passport essentially answers three questions,
ONE: Identitywho is this person trying to cross from one authority to another?
TWO: Passagewhere has he|she been before turning up here? Travel History!
THREE: Permitis the bearer permitted to walk into the new place of authority?

As I meditate on the passport requirement to cross a Physical Boarder, I began to see the similarity with passport requirement to cross the Income Boarders.

Crossing from Low Income to Middle Income and consequently into High Income authority will require you to produce your Passport.

You will have to report to immigration officers [the universal system – the law of success] with your passport and demonstrate your identity, declare where you have been and show if you have permit to enter the middle income land (or high income land as your case may be).

Those crossing from low to middle or middle to high income, they quickly realize they have to answer these questions, otherwise, they can sneak into the country but they will not stay long:

1.    Who Are You:
 – Identity is more than a name, it is the whole package, what you represent and present as a person, your gift and assignment to the world beginning with your local immediate community. It is not possible to cross the income border if you don’t know who you are and whose you are. If you are discovered to be a cheap copy of great original, you will be deported.

2.    Where have you Come From:
 – Where we come from leaves a scent in us knowingly and unknowingly, this scent may help or hinder our crossing depending on how we handle the past. We need to realize this if we are to overcome the power that our history holds in our today and future. What have you done in the past, will it hold here and if now, will you let it go but learn the valuable lesson from it?

3.    Do you have Permit:
_There is only ONE requirement if you are to get permit to stay ‘legally’ in the new area of authority. As you cross from low to middle or middle to high; you will be asked one question – what service do you bring? – what problem will you solve for us? Your visa to cross the financial boarder is in quality and quantity of the problems you are willing and able to solve for others.

So, if you tell me you want to cross the Financial Boarder, I will ask you ONE question – do you have a PASSPORT? If you don’t have your passport yet – I can help you, I am called to assist people get their passport and move up-country economically and consequently in their purpose for being here.

Peace be Unto you,
In His Service,

Tim Kyara
iCoach|Hekima Consultant 
Financial Freedom Fighter
Hekima TV_YouTube

Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Money Game!

There are TWO Money Games in town, only two, We all play ONE or The OTHER,  be it Consciously or Sub-consciously, Willingly or by Default.

Winning or Loosing depends on the game you choose and, your skills at the game...my question today to you is:

Which Money Game do you Play?

#Game ONE: Retainer
The First Game is called, "See How Much I Retain". We Cheat, Conduct Deals, Legal or Illegal trades by any means necessary to Retain as much as possible. To this end, we live poor in order to die rich.

In this Game, Greed motivated by Fear is the King. I have no record of anyone winning in this game, Everyone around a person playing this game suffers and Unfortunately, in this game, even when you win – you loose.

#Game TWO: Investor
The Second Game is called, "See How Much I Invest". In this Game, Reward for Service is the "Master". Participants in this game think of How many they can Serve and Save instead of how much is retained by them.

The winner in this game is one who finds place that will yield Financial and Social returns then proceed by finding:
_when to invest,
_how much to invest,
_when to cash out and re-Invest.

Winner Takes All in Game #2…which game do you play? 
Listen to me, you want to win? Play Game No.#2

In His Service,

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Financial Freedom Fighter
Hekima TV_YouTube

Friday 29 May 2015

Two_MasterKeys for Self-Promotion

Many of us when we reach a point where we would ideally want or desire promotion in life or at our work place we either march in the boss office and demand it or we prayerfully and eagerly await fate (the universe or God depending on your belief inclination) to grant it on our lap.

I would like to suggest another way, which has not failed me so far; this route when applied, it creates a win-win situation, which is a sustainable and most desirable for everyone involved in the scene.

The Two steps|keys that I would like to present to you works whether you want to be promoted at work, school, life, relationship, move your business and leadership to a higher plane or simply become a better person inward and outward _ IT WORKS!

Here is what you do when you reach a point in life where you desire promotion:

#Key_No.1: Become 'Larger than the Current Space' you Occupy
Nobody elevates to a higher state unless they have mastered the lower one. We do not, generally speaking, pursue Mastery unless we have mastered the basics. No sane person will offer more to a person who has failed to work with less.

My point is, before you begin to think of a higher plane, more influence and better benefits _ have you mastered the current space you occupy? Will those who work with and for you attest to that? Have you become "larger" than the current space you occupy or is it simply your 'ego' that has inflated whilst the rest of you is in shambles?

By 'Larger than Current Space' I mean _ is it evident that you can handle more based on how you have handled your current hand? Is your performance that of a master or "average Joe" in the current space? Would you have promoted yourself if you were your boss and are honest with yourself?

#Key_No.2: Occupy the 'Promoted Space' in your Mind and Action
The more elevated|promoted we become, the more responsibility and accountability is expected of us. The higher the office we occupy, the more people 'expect' us to solve their problems or cause|create means for their problems to be solved.

Thus, if you want certain 'elevated space?' then, find out what 'Problems' the person occupying that space solves and 'offer' to solve them at NO extra pay with excellent attitude and without compromising the performance of the office|space you currently hold.

Do not seek to take the promoted ROLE and benefits yet but rather the LOAD that the promoted mind carries and you do this with a clear conscious that you have reached a place in life where you can give out more and the current space you occupy does not give you the 'opportunity' to give and be more.

Do this NOT to be seen by the 'boss' but to honour the natural Law of Attraction, which states, paraphrased, "we must 'become' that which we desire before we can attract and have it". Thus, do not fake it or parade it _ if you are a faker and parader, YOU are NOT ready for that promotion.

Be clear in your mind that there is nothing wrong in giving more and wanting and desiring more from life as it is written, "to him that much is given, much will be required" [Ref Luke 12:48] but I tell you this, "to him that desires much, much will be desired of him".

How Do I Know I am Ready for Promotion?
Here is the 'Litmus Paper' Test for a Person who is ready for promotion:
_They demonstrate they can handle more by their performance and attitude in the current space,
_They desire to get more so that you can give more not primarily for power, fame and money,
_They proactively solve higher space problems whilst in the lower space with no strings attached.

When we read the story of Joseph the convict, we clearly see how he used the two keys above to Self-Promote from Prisoner to Prime Minister through solving problems [Ref Genesis Chapter 39 - 41].

His performance as Head_Prisoner who managed excellently his office AND interpreted dreams became evident smaller than what he could handle when he single-handedly solved the country's problem while occupying a lower office. The King had no option but to promote him to his rightful space based on his performance and understanding.

DO NOT WAIT for GOD or YOUR BOSS to PROMOTE you while the promotion is right in your hand and mind to take.

In His Service,

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Financial Freedom Fighter
Hekima TV_YouTube 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Cast a SPELL on Yourself!

We understand that PLANTs respond and need the sun_LIGHT to grow and will naturally grow in the direction of the light. Similarly, a human being as a living SOUL[mind – will, intellect, emotions], we respond appropriately and proportionate to the Light which is 'the WORDs' we hear [i.e. spell cast on us].

When we HEAR WORDS that RESONATES with what we BELIEVE to be true about us [Belief], immediately those words become a beam of light and naturally, like a living plant|soul, we will grow towards those words.

When a spell is cast on us, in other words, when we hear something said TO us, as long as the said words don't have a ring of acceptance in our hearts i.e. there is no doubt or fear in our mind that what is said could come true...then the speaker is powerless over us.

If a word said meets with an ounce of fear or faith that the said word could have some truth in them, we immediately empower the said word to become light and we have no choice but to grow towards those words.

Faith comes by hearing, unfortunately so does Fear. Where do you get your light? WHAT|WHAT do you listen to? Do you monitor what is said TO you?

I have developed a habit of talking to myself, that's right, If faith comes by hearing, then I have to hear even myself talking…
S I can do all things through God who gives me strength,
S If I can believe, all things are possible for me,
S God gives me power to get wealth and abundantly,
S God's blessing makes me rich without sorrow,
S My dreams are meant to be achieved in my time,
S I shall live to see the goodness of God in this Land,
S I am a blessing to many, beginning with my family
S I'm destined to leave inheritance to my grandchildren

What would you like to be, that which you would like to be and achieve, make it your priority to hear it everyday.

Since there are not many people who will tell you what you really like to hear, Tell it to yourself. Successful people talk themselves into success and prosperity, will you?…Become Expert in SELF-TALK!

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Light and Salt to the World: www.light2mypath.blogspot.com
Financial Freedom Fighter: www.timkyara.blogspot.com

Friday 16 January 2015

Here comes the Dreamer

We Think in Pictures|Images, when I say "Black Cat" you don't see the letters #B-L-A-C-K  #C-A-T in your mind but you see the IMAGE of a black cat. It is from these images in our ''thought world" that instructions are sent in real world for us to act – and work on routinely daily.

Human mind process three kinds of images, Past (memory), Future (dreams) and Present (what we see right now). Very often our mind mixes up images of the past, present and future as it sends instruction for action. Why is it that when you have been bitten by snake before, you ran scared at a leaf touch? The reason is, your mind plays past image in the present and you see a snake where there is a leaf hence the instruction to run.

Successful people have learnt to fill their mind with images of what they DESIRE to see instead of what they DREAD. The reason is very simple, as builders use drawings to construct a building, we use mental images in our minds to build our life – one instruction at a time. A great teacher once said, it is not possible to think and visualize failure and produce success.

Getrude Ederle, the first woman to swim across the English Channel in 1926 (21miles – France to England) said when she got tired, she began to visualize herself driving the brand new car (the prize) until she arrived across the other side. Any good athlete coach will tell you that no amount of training is able to overcome a defeated image in the mind of the athlete.

Most of us don't like to hear this, but the life we have today is created by the image we had in the past about our self and our interaction with the world. We are creating right now our future based on the image we currently hold.

We turn down (and in many cases we don't see) – opportunities that are not in line with the image we hold. If you are not looking for a 'car dealership' you will not see (pay attention to) a huge sign before you directing people to the dealership yard.

The moment you plant an idea, an image, a dream in your mind (heart) – step out into the world and you will begin to see opportunities that will lead your way to creating exactly that which YOU SEE.

This is why King David once said two of the most quoted and noble statement in the world:
[1] "As man think in his heart, so is he" i.e. you become the image you have about you 
{||Prov 23:7}
[2] "Guard your heart with all diligence for it is the source life" i.e. your projects, books etc 
{||Prov 4:23}

If I were you, I will control what I allow to build mental images about me and my world. Who do you listen and believe? Remove yourself from the environment and presence of people who discourage or create bad images about you and your world. Retrieve images you have about you and your world and whatever is not what you desire, delete and upload new ones right now!

So, what does this mean to all of us?
1. Scrutinize the IMAGE you have about YOUSELF,
    and YOUR FUTURE, do you like what you see?
2. Create, build, cut from magazine, download from
    Internet IMAGES of the LIFE you want to have
3. Put these images before your eyes DAILY and every
     moment possible – seeing yourself in them "as if"
4. If you can master eMotions as you imagine yourself
    in line with these images, the faster the creation
5. Pay attention to instruction you get daily – especially
    those which draws you away from your comfort zone

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Light and Salt to the World: www.light2mypath.blogspot.com
Financial Freedom Fighter: www.timkyara.blogspot.com