Monday 10 October 2016

Is my Normal Normal?

We are wired (designed) to make decisions, consciously and or sub-consciously, that will ensure that we remain or return to our "Normal" also referred to as "Comfort Zone".

This is why, more often than not, you can take a person from a poor environment, plant them in a rich environment, give them time they will turn the new environment to look like the old one unless something is done to change the "normal" they carry inside.

This 'normal aka comfort zone' was designed to keep us safe and comfortable; to enable us to make decision to bring us out of danger and uncomfortable place back to the normal – place of refuge, happiness and productivity.

How is a Normal Created?
Our normal is created by the physical, mental and spiritual environment we live in for a considerable period of time, which in turn, dictates what we know and experience we have. As we live these experiences, we record them and adopt them to be normal – consciously or subconsciously.

For instance, walk in a room and see a spec of dirt on the glass window – it bothers you but you are busy and do nothing about it. Next day you see it again and think, I should clean that but again busy day and the spec remains for week and soon you don't even see it while physically it is still there. Then you hire an intern, she/he finds the spec on the window and do nothing because, it is normal to the environment.

Once I understood that, I began to examine the normal I have adopted about my relationships, finances, quality of life and service to humanity. I became conscious of what I allow my children to experience and accept as NORMAL.

Is my Normal Normal?
How can we say one's normal is not normal? it is their normal to be had in the first place.

It will be quite presumptuous of me to tell anyone that their normal is not normal. I think it is all subjective to what they want to experience and accomplish in life.

There was time, growing up, I believed it was normal and acceptable to be fearful of new anything. There was a time I believed it was normal to struggle for money and time – after all, if we had all the money and time, how will we appreciate God when He provides? So not only did I thought and believed it was normal to lack, but I expected it so that when "God" provides I will have a testimony, isn't that the whole purpose of having God in one's life? I thought…

No matter how much money I earned, I always bought "used" staff; used car, used TV, used house, used clothes, used everything was full in my used house…I saw no problem with that paradigm, it was Ok for me as long as the 'thing' was working, it didn't matter that it came down from other people.

Today I have a new normal, which made this old normal abnormal or less useful to me. I experienced a new environment (places and people) that changed my knowledge and I was open to change from within. This new normal has allowed me to make decisions and choices that create repeatedly this normal regardless of where I am.

Do I need a New Normal?
The normal we carry inside is so strong so that, even when we hear something good and exciting about a new normal, we may be excited and motivated for a while, but when we are asked to make a step out into the new environment, we make all kinds of excuses not to – we become afraid to change what we are used to – accustomed to, no matter how bad or average it is.

Tell your friend about a new business opportunity; show them what it will mean to them, their children and family. Show them how it will change their life . . . they become excited and want in BUT big problem, to get in, they will have to CHANGE lifestyle by saving 30% of their monthly income for 6 months – ask them to sign up TODAY and listen to the excuses they will pour out.

The problem is not lack of time, capital or inspiration; the issue is, they will have to WALK OUT of the current NORMAL to a new normal and that is SCARY for anyone. Whether they will do it or not it will depend on how TIRED they are of the current normal and determination to change it.

Where does determination come from? how deep they have been immersed in the new normal INSIDE.

So What?
Is your current normal serving you? Do you enjoy the life you live? are you able to meet your need and have enough money and time to serve others? Would you be happy to pass on this 'normal life' you have to your children and children's children?

Want to Change?
To create a new normal, simply visualize and enunciate the normal you would like to live. Cut out from newspaper or download from Internet images of the new normal you want to adopt, speak about this new normal (first to yourself – in the mirror) several times daily.
TV commercial is the best illustrations how we are hooked to fall in love with a new product and buy it. They show in the telly a new product and what it can do, they get a person you like to hold it and use it and say something nice about it…they show you this commercial over and over and over until you walk in the supermarket you buy the product – they have influenced your choice by shifting your comfort zone using the way we are designed.

As you 'visualize' the new normal you want and 'hear' it (with emotions), soon your mind begins to adopt it as a desirable, safe and comfortable place to be AND will begin to allow you to see and act on opportunities that will create that new normal for you.

This is why, for example, if you decide you want to buy a certain car, you see it more often than before. it is not that there are more of them on the road, but because you have decided this type of car is important to your future…you mind allow you to see them everywhere you go.

The same goes to opportunities and connections; imagine how many opportunities you do not see every day because you have not decided on the new normal you want to create.

…you are a thought, vision and sound away from the new normal to become your experience.


Tim Kyara
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