Thursday 11 December 2014

Decision Point - Place of Power

From the second we wake up to the time we hit the pillow again at night, we constantly make decisions. Some decisions we makeconsciously and some sub-consciously (automated – pre-programmed) but we are constantly making decisions eg what to wear, what we eat, who we call, route to work, what to buy, who to help, where to invest, who to associate with etc

Sub-conscious Decisions
Sub-conscious decision are those decisions that we don’t think or process the choices presented, we simply and automatically allow our automated motion (pre-programmed choices) to select what we have always selected before and move on.

For instance, if you always drive on the same route to work every morning, eventually it becomes automated – you simply get in your car and your sub-conscious mind takes over. Some people (me included) have reported driving halfway (some all the way) to work only to “awake” at some point realizing that they are not working that day.

We learn to drive conscious, shifting gear, balancing clutch and accelerator; but after a while (repeated actions) we become “learned” and the sub-conscious mind takes over and our conscious mind is free to do other things while our sub-conscious mind is directing our actions to achieve a pre-programmed goal.

The problem with allowing sub-conscious decision to take over all the time is, we will always make the same decisions, driving towards the same destination – good or bad. “if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got” Henry Ford. Remember, insanity is defined as “doing the same things over and over whilst expecting different results” Albert Eistein.

Think of it this way, sub-conscious (automated|pre-programmed) decisions are like automated car production assembly line…always produce the same product, time after time, until something along the assembly line is changed to interrupt the production. If you don’t like the product, stop automation and do a manual production – take time to consciously think over what you have taken for granted to be true. Take time to THINK over your valuesbelief and hence paradigm – these are the tools that your automated (sub-conscious) mind uses to make decisions FOR you.

Conscious Decisions
Conscious decisions usually comes to play when we are faced with situations where either it is a whole new scenarios with new alternatives (choices) or some new information is available which brings new choices to a familiar situation. Either way, conscious decisions are made from a mind awake to consider the outcomes – possibilities – having weighed different options presented.

Conscious Decision is made from the Four Platforms:
|Emotions – there are Five Basic Emotions from whence we often make decisions namely angerfearenvygrieflove. Of these five, the best platform to make decision from is love. Decision made from a place of anger, fear, envy or grief is often made from a distorted perception of reality and sense of balance.

||Intuition – this is coming from inner knower, you can’t quite put a finger on it but something inside gives you a clear distinct instruction. There is no emotion, no logic and no precedent but deep down inside you know what to do. Caution: your intuition could (and is) often wrong, take time to measure it with your inner man – the spirit, the you.

|||Logic – I am told gamblers lose because they don’t have the mindset of bankers and bankers fair average whilst has potential to be great because they don’t have the mindset of gamblers – and I am confused!!! I guess the point is there are time and place where not using logic is the best logic…disengage autopilot and fly manual THINKING throughout the flight. But indeed there are times you will need to use logic – good old common sense.

||||Spirit – man[kind] is a spirit, have a soul and live in the body. Soul has three components (emotions, intelligence, will). Thus making decisions from emotion, intuition (guts) and logic is coming from the soul. Within the soul lies you, the spirit, the you you.

The highest and best place to consult before making decision is drawing from within i.e. from you (the spirit you) emanating deep from unselfish you yet with a good sense balance of what is good for you and another. It is rightly said, “those who cannot go within, will go without”, a decision made from the inner true you can never be wrong, it can never result in loss or destruction because the true inner self you is – love.

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Light and Salt to the World:
Financial Freedom Fighter:

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Fear Factors Exposed

Psychologists tell us we are born with only two fears – fear of Falling and fear of Loud Noises. These two fears are inherent in the human DNA and have become a mechanism for survival, which is passed on to new generations. The single aim of these inborn fears is to keep humans alive and motivated in order to avoid potential dangers.

Every other fear is 'learned response' from our environment, knowledge and experience. Therefore, if it can be learned, it can be unlearned too. For this reason, I would like to share FOUR common fears that have rendered many powerless and impact-less whilst full of potential inside:

1:: Fear of Rejection
We all like to be liked and loved by everybody and to this end we manipulate (use: deception, power, money and influence) situations and people to be liked – even when we know the liking is not genuine. We work so hard to get people's approval and once we get their approval we live in constant fear of losing it…it is a bondage and a lonely place to be – we dare not be ourselves, lest we are rejected. Thus, we project what we be believe people want to hear and see from us.

THE ROOT of fear of rejection is lack of (or low) self-esteem|self-love often arising from self-identity issues (usually from childhood negative experiences). A person who has NOT identified (or reject) WHO they are will often seek identity through others for without them he|she is nothing|nobody.

2:: Fear of Failure
We often attach our self-worth to our performance and worse still link self-worth to love and acceptance. We shudder to the thought of attempting anything we believe may not succeed for if we fail to perform, our self-worth, value, will diminish and there goes the love and acceptance we yearn for. We will never dare to think, let alone act, outside the box (comfort zone). We will go to any length to hide our failures and parade our success even embellish them.

THE ROOT cause of fear of failure is, in many instances, lack (or ignorance) of self-worth|self-value arising from not knowing our value is intrinsic to WHO we are and not WHAT we do.

3:: Fear of Criticism
Fear of criticism stems from fear of failure; we know that criticism comes from failure to perform to the standard of people whose approval we yearn. We fear criticism because most of the time what we do is a performance to get people to like us. We become enslaved to pleasing people for we fear their rejection. But Sooner or later we realize people are un-predictable, what they loved you for today is not necessarily what will draw them to you tomorrow.

THE ROOT cause of fear of criticism stems from inferiority complex, believing we are inferior to those whose criticism matters to us. Think about this, i] anyone can be a critic – it is easy, ii] critics are after performers – people whose work is significant.

4:: Fear of Unknown
Fear of unknown is another learned response [mental obstacle] aimed to keeping us safe from the dangers looming in the areas we have not treaded before. Unfortunately, if you are to get what you have never had, you have to do what you have never done. Just because it has not been done, it does not mean it cannot be done – can you dare to be the first, do you have the guts to be the pioneer, inventor, and forerunner?

THE ROOT of fear of unknown is fear of what we do not know and consequently cannot control. I believe the best way to term this fear is to become conversant and confident on our purpose [vision|purpose|mission] you are in control of YOUR DESTINY.

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Light and Salt to the World:
Financial Freedom Fighter:
Follow me on facebook:

Monday 13 October 2014

The Universe – Genie in the Bottle

It used to bother me so much when people said, "the universe did this or that", say like karma i.e. what you do unto others, the universe will conspire to do it unto you but more bountifully. For me it sounded as if we are taking God out of the picture if the universe is in the picture doing 'stuff'.

As I began to be more open to possibilities of genuine knowledge outside my 'comfort zone', I began to realize what people usually mean when they say the universe is ''natural order of things'' or ''principles outlaid by nature''.

The Natural World – the World we see with physical eyes:
I began to understand that just like a farmer in the 'natural world' who plant, tend, water and then harvest from the soil (not from God) so it is similarly in the psyche world. The psyche realm is aligned with similar ''mechanism'' which given certain seed, tending and watering the harvest is inevitable – both good and bad.

You do not plant maize and then 'fast and pray' hoping to harvest beans; similarly, God created a psyche world where there is order and mechanism to adhere to get certain results. We need to know the system and principles placed to work in our favour or disregard them and they still work but in our disfavor.

It does not matter whether you believe in gravity or not, jump from a building and you will fall down…the gravitational force will not ignore you because you do not believe in it. If you plant seeds at wrong time of the season or wrong place, you will have poor or no harvest regardless of who you are…thus it works in your favour to understand agriculture if you are to be a productive farmer.

The Psyche World – world we see with our minds:
The way you get the result you want in the 'psyche' world is simple; you ALIGN what you THINK, SAY and DO irrigating your seed (thoughts) with PASSION and you will materialize in season what we sow in this realm into the physical realm.

Say I am THINKing of having a baby: then what I SAY and DO must align with these thoughts. I begin to talk of me having the baby, I begin to do what a person expecting a baby would do regardless of what I feel and see in the natural world. Buy diapers, attend seminars and teachings on pregnancy and raising children…prepare the crib (childproof the house).

Say I am THINKing of accumulating wealth: then what I SAY and DO should reflect a person who IS (not who is going to) accumulating wealth right now. I must stop thinking, saying and doing anything that is contrary to the THOUGHT of accumulating wealth…sooner or later, the soil where I have planted my seed (thought) MUST deliver. But I must align and emotionalize my thoughts, say and deed else it is a waste of time.

Now how does this work?
Every time you DECIDE to pursue a certain GOAL and you begin to THINK(seed = 1st order creation), SAY(2nd order action) and DO(3rd order action) in the direction of the goal, the universe conspires to bring in your favour and direction knowledge, people, things and environment CONDUCIVE for you to ACHIEVE that very specific GOAL.

Thus as soon as you begin to think, say and do with respect to certain goal; the universe begins to work in your favour to bring to you knowledge, people and things necessary to produce the desired goal. But when you begin to change your thought or start speaking contrary to your thought or do things that do not reflect the thoughts and saying towards that goal . . . then you put the knowledge, people and things in confusion…simply put, you begin to CANCEL the process of materialization.

This is why you must be careful on changing your dream (thoughts, goals) very often. Spend time to carefully pick what you desire to achieve in life. Pick something that you are PASSIONATE about, something that SERVE humanity irrespective of you getting fame, power or wealth. When your Goal does not come from a self-benefit place, it is bound to be a genuine.

Stick to this goal (dream, desires) and let us hear you SPEAK of your THOUGHTS (else do not speak at all) and when you begin to DO anything, it must be in alignment with what you THINK and SAY and nothing else.

This is how you get the universe to conspire with you to manifest what you desire!

Psyche Law
1. If you SOW a negative THOUGHT you REAP negative RESULTS
2. We ATTRACT and BECOME what we constantly and consistently THINK about
3. DESTINY is CHOICE not chance, it is to be PURSUED not to be WAITED for
4. PHYSICAL manifestation is birthed from MIND-SET (Thought, emotionalized Word, Deed)
5. We become AWARE of opportunities when destination is DEFINED in Thoughts & Words
6. What we do to others [good|bad], the Universe returns the same to us but in ABUNDANCE

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Light and Salt to the World:
Financial Freedom Fighter:
Follow me on facebook:

Monday 5 May 2014

HOW TO BUILD DREAMLIFE – 21 Days Challenge

"If you are to get what others don't have, be prepared to do what others don't do'' P. T. Barnum.

Your spirit knows what your mind does not; the challenge is, for you to act on something, your mind MUST be involved. Below is the process that helps you to transfer from your spirit into mind and eventually into a workable plan of action one block at a time. 

ALPHA: For the next 21 Days, wake up 1 HOUR earlier than you would, find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for the whole hour…take notebook and pen

DAY 1: WRITE your ONE DREAM and its PURPOSE as you know right now, don't worry about being wrong or right…simply WRITE! (if you have many dreams, write the one that excite you most)

DAY 2: on a fresh page of your notebook, WRITE what you believe it will take to achieve that dream. Don't worry about HOW you will achieve this dream; simply write what it will take.

DAY 3: on another fresh page of your notebook WRITE on top: ''what I can do about my dream'' and immediately begin to write down ideas that flows into your mind.

DAY 4: this is IMPORTANT DAY, go back to page 3 where you wrote what you can do about your dream…for every idea you have written, decide which one is for immediate action, which one you need time to think some more. Keep adding ideas on page 3 but take to page 4 the ideas that you can ACT on the right now, today and write them there then immediately everyday begin to do them.

DAY 5-20: every morning read your dreampurpose and what it takes to achieve then go to page 3 where you wrote what you can do and keep adding new ideas and transferring the ones you can do right now to page 4...CONTINUE to DO DAILY what you have written as doable now whether you see results or not.

DAY 21: Repeat the above but this time add page 5 on top write TESTIMONY i.e. what you have achieved in the last 30 days…

1. You must stick to it for 21 days for it to work, don't stop or hesitate…keep going regardless of whether you see visible outcome or not…then you will see in 21 days the miracles that will flow from within, even people around you will notice the change in and around will be a down of new era for you and everyone you love!
2. When you are writing your dream, FORGET about HOW you will accomplish it…all you need to do is listen from within, your inspiration and aspiration and write with a passion what you would really love to achieve if money, fame or power was not an issue.
3. When writing 'what you can do about your dream', this is it, this is where the divine meets flesh. Listen inward and write down whatever comes into mind, don't think or over process it…write!!!
4. Last but not least, when you have stuck to it for 21 days CONTACT ME (fcbk: Timothy Kyara) and I will be more than happy to give you further guidance and assistance as you proceed with your journey into DreamLife...OMEGA!

//Tim J Kyara
Hekima Consultant/Mwalimu/ePastor/Engineer
Teacher of the Word

7 Foundational Keys to Building DreamLife

Last week we had debut dream summit where we explored the teaching on what it takes to build uncommon dream. Foundations are sub-structures which we don't see but they play a crucial role to what we do see. Without the foundations, the structure we do see would not be there.

Here is a snapshot of the keys:

1. Identity:
Unless you know and are confident on who and whose you are, it is virtually impossible to build a DreamLife; all you will do is become cheap copy of great originals…who are you? Can google help to answer this question for you?

2. Life Philosophy:
Our subconscious mind and conscience make more decision for us than we realize. The subconscious and conscience are programmed by our environment, knowledge and experience. Your internal programming controls your external performance and outcome…learn to program yourself for the results you seek.

3. The Rod:
Where you are today is a product of what you exchange for in the past, consequently, your future will be governed by what you have today to exchange – trade for what you need in the present and future…learn to take stock of your assets and liabilities.

4. The Dream:
Dream is a snapshot of the future, your aspirations and inspiration who you would like to be and what you would like to achieve before you pass on to the other side. Do you know your dream? Have you written it down to as specific as you can see today?

5. Purpose:
Uncommon and great dreams should not be about you, it is about those you can save and serve . . . identify right now what purpose does your dream serve? What will it achieve (objectives) when it is realized? Making money is not a purpose because money is simply a tool you need to build your dream!

6. Authority:
By authority here I mean area of influence; if you are confident with your identity, your rod (passion, talent, skills) then your dream will be unique and no one will be able to compete with you in your tuff…you will be the authority in your area!

7. Focus:
Lack of focus in one area of expertise, competence and purpose driven causes many to loose clarity and authority in building their dreamlife. Focus brings clarity, details and removes clatter and unwanted (liabilities) entities…without focus, building dreamlife becomes hard, complex and takes longer!

//Tim J Kyara
Hekima Consultant/Mwalimu/ePastor/Engineer
Teacher of the Word
Clean Humour 2 Health  

Thursday 3 April 2014

Life Philosophy

"We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be." — May Sarton

We have all adopted some kind of ''life philosophy'' through which we consciously or sub-consciously build our life, one decision at a time. What we become, achieve and have is DIRECTLY related to the philosophy that we have chosen. Consequently, if you don't see the results you would like to see in your life…it is time to pump the bonnet open and scrutinize the philosophy that you have chosen to live by.

When I say 'philosophy' I mean belief, view point, understanding, pre-decided re-action, notion and conviction on an area of life eg religion, relationship, money, God, business, work, politics, leadership, health, wealth, education etc

How life philosophy is built
We are born with blank mind – no preconceived ideas or notion about anything; but as we grow up – our environment (which controls what we experience and knowledge we acquire) – begins to shape what we "believe" to be a 'safe' and 'best' way to navigate our life. We begin to write "internal programme" that will safeguard our future do's and don'ts.

This 'internal programme' is based solely on what we acquire from environment we live in, experience we go through and knowledge imposed on us. Slowly but certainly we begin to define who we are – our limits and boundaries – be they real or imagined it does not matter…we accept them and refer to them every time we have to make a choice or decision.

For example: a baby does not have understanding (knowledge) to associate (or disassociate) light and heat, so when it sees light, it crawls right to it seeking to 'touch' out of curiosity. When it touches open flame, there and then a clear message is 'burnt' in that child's mind, "stay clear of flames"…and immediately associate open flames with pain. God has designed all living things to walk away from anyone or anything that causes pain and pursue anyone or anything that has promise to pleasure and comfort.

As this (touching flame) child grows, it will continue to stay clear of anything that has to do with 'flames' UNTIL someone comes along with a new knowledge, teach him/her how to ''handle'' flame safely and use flame to his/her advantage.

Now, if you are honest, many of our life philosophies are based on our past ''burnt experiences", pain. The philosophy is then an inbuilt servo mechanism to avoid all chances of coming into contact with pain – never again. Think about it, what is your philosophy on money, wealth, opposite sex relationship, God, religion, work, business etc what is it based on? Is it not based on pain, loss, discomfort experienced in the past – yours or of your loved one?

How do you discover your philosophy?
Ask yourself critical questions and WRITE down answers…eg...what is your philosophy on Money?
1. What is the first experience you recall about money? (could be a talk, conversation, earnings)
2. What is the link between you and money? (this is a relationship, connection)
3. Who controls how much money you get? (could there be a person who has monopoly?)
4. Who controls when you are to get a lot of money? (monopoly over money?)
5. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of 'lots of money'

How do you know if your philosophy is sound?
For every Genuine, there is a Fake (forgery, bogus); for every Authentic, there is Counterfeit (imitation) and for every Original there is a Copy. Authentic manufacturers worldwide spend
millions of dollars authenticating their products –inserting insignia, logos, publicity so that end users can tell the difference between genuine and fake, authentic from imitation.

Here is a non-exhaustive list to tell if you have sound life philosophy:

1. Materials – fake and forgeries are usually made from inferior goods and services. When a philosophy is made from an inferior place just to avoid ''pain, suffering and loss'' more often than not it will not be sound and empowering. Yes we learn from our pain, mistakes and loss but we choose to make our life philosophy exuding from faith, love and hope not from fear, hate and despair.

Examine your life philosophy (persuasion, conviction, belief) on any subject of choice, be it God, religion, relationships, money, wealth, leadership, government, politics . . . is your philosophy made out of faith, love and hope or fear hate and despair? If it is the latter, it is bound to be unsound and will not produce your life full potential.

2. Function – every forgery, fake, counterfeit will not have the same level of function as the original, authentic, genuine. Any philosophy that belittle, despise and play down your worth, value, ability and destiny is not sound. Any philosophy that puts others on the pedestal will discriminate the rest and it is based on false unsound premises.

Whatever you see others do, you can do and chances are you can do faster and better. . . "the only thing that stands between you and your great future is you and your doubts"– Robert Kiyosaki. If you don't see all the function you expected in your life, chances are you don't have a sound philosophy, examine the basis of your philosophy in the area in question.

3. Test of Time – all fake, counterfeit, imitations and copies do not stand the test of time…sooner or later they will breakdown and crumble. Your philosophy will be tested against time – endurance – if it is on solid foundation (basis) it will stand otherwise it will collapse on weight and you will fall with it.

Examine your philosophy (persuasion, conviction, belief) on any area that you have trouble; if you always change your philosophy based on what you experience, chances are you are on flimsy ground and your basis for that philosophy are not sound. People who change their philosophies frequently are usually flimsy, unstable and dangerous to deal with.

Here are some of my life-philosophies, feel free to adopt if you like them:

God created everything and one day we shall answer for what we did with 'time' granted on earth
Money is not a miracle, it is a reward for solving problems; the more problems solved more money
Relationship should be based on mutual respect, adding value to each other else reconsider
Your religion is not good to me if it does not help me, show me answers to my everyday issues

These are but my philosophy, persuasions, conviction…they may be right, they may be wrong but this is where I am today 03rd April 2014…I am a working progress.

//Tim J Kyara
Teacher/ePastor/Engineer/Mentor/Life Coach
Teacher of the Word
Clean Humour 2 Health