Monday 25 March 2013

Relationship with Money--Part III

In Part III we shall look at how relationship with people, your close allies affects Money–Man-Relationship hence the in-out-flow or of money or lack thereof.

“…Don't let anyone deceive you. Associating with bad people will ruin decent people…” © Apostle Paul of Tarsus (Ref 1 Cor 15:33)

man is born free, but everywhere he is in chain” is a quotation from Jean Jacques Rousseau, French political philosopher (1712 – 1778). Why is this so? why is it that some people acquire money so easily while others work so hard to earn so little only to put them in the pockets with holes, usually pockets with pipes that takes the money right into the pockets those easy earners.

Your network will decide your net-worth  this means you will succeed financially as well as in life depending on who you allow into your network. There are people that you will need to disconnect from your network whilst there are people who you must actively pursue to have network with them for they have and are what you are pursuing in life.

...simple, ask your MAKER. The manufacturer of anything is the one who calls it (name) and gives it purpose (assignment) based on how he made it. For instance, a BMW cannot decide to be a FIAT or if you put desiel in a petrol car, it won’t work...refer to the manual always. You want to know who you are and what you were made to be and do, refer to your manufacturers manual.

If you choose, why not try my simple test on my blog to DISCOVER YOURSELF and DISCOVER YOUR LIFE PURPOSE (scroll down when you get to this page to read DY i.e. Discover Yourself)

So how do you decide who belongs in your presence and who doesn’t; I think the answer is so simple that many have missed it:

I believe people who belong in your presence (your network) should exhibit the following three:

ŒHonour your Presence:
People who belong in your presence will always value your presence (and your time), they will uplift your soul, encourage you and when you depart from them you will feel uplifted and better off than before you met them. They add value to your soul; they are your valuable asset even when they don’t give you a cent for they give you what money can’t buy…a lifted soul, inspiration, passion and motivated soul.

If you give someone (or place) your time and all you get from them is discouragement, depression and negativity then know for sure your presence in that person or place is ‘abused’, terminate that connection (unless you are SPECIFICALLY sent to help such individual). This applies to friendship, church, ministry, work, business or anyone or anyplace where you grace them with YOUR time…if they don’t add value to you, they don’t belong with you.

Dream Builders:
When you share your wild dream and passion, evaluate the response you get from those whom you call your ‘friends’. Those who belong in your presence will never squash your dream no matter how wild or silly it may sound. They may give you reality check, remind you to prepare for what you are up against, but never discourage or play-down your dream.

If your friend, clique or even church discourages you from your God given dream, you have my permission to divorce them right now. Your dream (Purpose in life and vision) is between YOU and your maker (no intermediary agent is necessary to define/find your dream). Whilst it is true that I need friends, cliques and church to flourish in my dream, I would rather be alone than be in the presence of dream killers. I don’t care who they are, if they discourage you from your dream, get out from amongst them this very second.

ŽTruth sayer:
People who belong in your presence will be truth sayers—not soothsayers—the difference is in the motive. People worth of your presence will not be threatened by your achievement hence play it down nor will they enjoy your failure/weakness hence amplify it. If you have a so called ‘friend’ and they enjoy secretly or publicly your failure or are depressed by your achievement…it is time to say ‘bye bye’.

People who are worthy of your presence will confront you with the truth but with love—the motive will be to help not to depress, humiliate and discourage. They will not manipulate by pampering you just to get what they want—they will tell you the truth even if it may threaten the very core of your friendship for usually people don’t like to be told the truth, especially if it confronts their weakness and or wickedness.

The true measure of friendship is whether your friend tells you what you ‘want’ to hear or what you ‘need’ to hear. What you want to hear is praise, admiration and worship, what you need to hear is truth that can set you free to become and to have what you were destined to from the beginning of time.

Qualify people you allow close to you, not everyone is worthy of your presence!!!

//Tim J Kyara
Teacher of the Word
Clean Humour 2 Health  
Financial Freedom Fighter

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