Wednesday 10 July 2013

Out of Body Self-Audit

If it is true that we don't get wealthy (or poor) by accident but by what we do or don't do, and it is, then it stands to reason that we owe it to ourselves to 'audit' and scrutinize what we do. If time is money, and it is, shouldn't we be conscious of where the money (time) placed in our care goes to?

Dr Mike Murdock said ''people who have what you don't, they know and do what you don't''. This is why I am obsessed with knowing what I don't know and need to know for I don't NEED to know everything. We live in a knowledge era, everything at finger tip; but we don't need to know everything…only what matters to us at a given time.

Give yourself an out of body experience, divorce your soul from your body and audit for SEVEN DAYS what you do and how long you do it daily from sunrise to sunset. Pretend you are an independent consultant auditing what the other you is doing and produce a report.

Below is my typical week arranged in order of percentage of largest time spent:

Write down every little detail of what you do trivialize nothing…they don't say the devil is in the details for nothing…write down EVERYTHING including time spent in the rest room, eating, watching telly, sleeping, on the phone texting, time on the phone talking, time of facebook socializing or investing etc

At the end of the auditing, study the report objectively and ask yourself these questions:
1. Is there anything I am doing that I should stop immediately?
2. Is there anything I am doing that I need to give more time and attention?
3. Is there anything I need to do that I don't do now? what is it costing me?
4. Where does most of my time go? is this where they should go?
5. Where does most of my 'productive hours' go? is this where they should go?
6. If I was to advise the person whose report I am reading, what will I say?

If life is a journey, and it is, then to be able to answer the questions above adequately, you need to understand that YOUR LIFE is also a GIFT, not to you, to someone—in a form of what you have that they need—SERVICE. You need to DISCOVER what kind/sort of a gift you are and to whom are this gift is addressed.

Taking your life as a gift and a journey, you should know the following before you attempt to answer questions above after self-audit experience:
1. Your Destinationdream, aspiration, purpose in life: what satisfies you most in serving others? what would like to be remembered as?
2. WRITE down what you consider to be your lifetime achievement, #1 above: break it down to 20yrs, 10yrs, 5yrs, 3yrs, 2yrs, 1yr, monthly & daily.
3. WRITE down a daily to do list broken down as a result of #2 above: then arranged the list in order of priority/importance, work on the list in this order.
4. What you need to BE and HAVE to get to your destination: you are a gift that needs costant improving and other assets to function well.
5. PUT ON an attitude of a winner, that's right it is a garment to be worn: DECIDE TODAY that you can do anything you put your mind to and guess what, YES you CAN.

Remember, a successful life is one bent on knowing and pursuing a worthwhile dream by serving others in the process. How we SPEND time, that's right time is spent just like money, will separate us.

Time is money,                                          Time waits for no man,
Time should be invested not wasted,         Time should be made not waited,
Time is a priceless commodity,                  Time is given to everyone equally

Where do you spend most of your valuable time on earth? Life is not just spent, it is invested, where you invest so shall you earn your dividends, be they good or bad!

//Tim J Kyara
Teacher/ePastor/Engineer/Husband of 1/Father of 2
Teacher of the Word
Clean Humour 2 Health  
Financial Freedom Fighter
L2MP on facebook 
Centre for Excellence on facebook

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