Monday 13 October 2014

The Universe – Genie in the Bottle

It used to bother me so much when people said, "the universe did this or that", say like karma i.e. what you do unto others, the universe will conspire to do it unto you but more bountifully. For me it sounded as if we are taking God out of the picture if the universe is in the picture doing 'stuff'.

As I began to be more open to possibilities of genuine knowledge outside my 'comfort zone', I began to realize what people usually mean when they say the universe is ''natural order of things'' or ''principles outlaid by nature''.

The Natural World – the World we see with physical eyes:
I began to understand that just like a farmer in the 'natural world' who plant, tend, water and then harvest from the soil (not from God) so it is similarly in the psyche world. The psyche realm is aligned with similar ''mechanism'' which given certain seed, tending and watering the harvest is inevitable – both good and bad.

You do not plant maize and then 'fast and pray' hoping to harvest beans; similarly, God created a psyche world where there is order and mechanism to adhere to get certain results. We need to know the system and principles placed to work in our favour or disregard them and they still work but in our disfavor.

It does not matter whether you believe in gravity or not, jump from a building and you will fall down…the gravitational force will not ignore you because you do not believe in it. If you plant seeds at wrong time of the season or wrong place, you will have poor or no harvest regardless of who you are…thus it works in your favour to understand agriculture if you are to be a productive farmer.

The Psyche World – world we see with our minds:
The way you get the result you want in the 'psyche' world is simple; you ALIGN what you THINK, SAY and DO irrigating your seed (thoughts) with PASSION and you will materialize in season what we sow in this realm into the physical realm.

Say I am THINKing of having a baby: then what I SAY and DO must align with these thoughts. I begin to talk of me having the baby, I begin to do what a person expecting a baby would do regardless of what I feel and see in the natural world. Buy diapers, attend seminars and teachings on pregnancy and raising children…prepare the crib (childproof the house).

Say I am THINKing of accumulating wealth: then what I SAY and DO should reflect a person who IS (not who is going to) accumulating wealth right now. I must stop thinking, saying and doing anything that is contrary to the THOUGHT of accumulating wealth…sooner or later, the soil where I have planted my seed (thought) MUST deliver. But I must align and emotionalize my thoughts, say and deed else it is a waste of time.

Now how does this work?
Every time you DECIDE to pursue a certain GOAL and you begin to THINK(seed = 1st order creation), SAY(2nd order action) and DO(3rd order action) in the direction of the goal, the universe conspires to bring in your favour and direction knowledge, people, things and environment CONDUCIVE for you to ACHIEVE that very specific GOAL.

Thus as soon as you begin to think, say and do with respect to certain goal; the universe begins to work in your favour to bring to you knowledge, people and things necessary to produce the desired goal. But when you begin to change your thought or start speaking contrary to your thought or do things that do not reflect the thoughts and saying towards that goal . . . then you put the knowledge, people and things in confusion…simply put, you begin to CANCEL the process of materialization.

This is why you must be careful on changing your dream (thoughts, goals) very often. Spend time to carefully pick what you desire to achieve in life. Pick something that you are PASSIONATE about, something that SERVE humanity irrespective of you getting fame, power or wealth. When your Goal does not come from a self-benefit place, it is bound to be a genuine.

Stick to this goal (dream, desires) and let us hear you SPEAK of your THOUGHTS (else do not speak at all) and when you begin to DO anything, it must be in alignment with what you THINK and SAY and nothing else.

This is how you get the universe to conspire with you to manifest what you desire!

Psyche Law
1. If you SOW a negative THOUGHT you REAP negative RESULTS
2. We ATTRACT and BECOME what we constantly and consistently THINK about
3. DESTINY is CHOICE not chance, it is to be PURSUED not to be WAITED for
4. PHYSICAL manifestation is birthed from MIND-SET (Thought, emotionalized Word, Deed)
5. We become AWARE of opportunities when destination is DEFINED in Thoughts & Words
6. What we do to others [good|bad], the Universe returns the same to us but in ABUNDANCE

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Light and Salt to the World:
Financial Freedom Fighter:
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