Thursday 11 December 2014

Decision Point - Place of Power

From the second we wake up to the time we hit the pillow again at night, we constantly make decisions. Some decisions we makeconsciously and some sub-consciously (automated – pre-programmed) but we are constantly making decisions eg what to wear, what we eat, who we call, route to work, what to buy, who to help, where to invest, who to associate with etc

Sub-conscious Decisions
Sub-conscious decision are those decisions that we don’t think or process the choices presented, we simply and automatically allow our automated motion (pre-programmed choices) to select what we have always selected before and move on.

For instance, if you always drive on the same route to work every morning, eventually it becomes automated – you simply get in your car and your sub-conscious mind takes over. Some people (me included) have reported driving halfway (some all the way) to work only to “awake” at some point realizing that they are not working that day.

We learn to drive conscious, shifting gear, balancing clutch and accelerator; but after a while (repeated actions) we become “learned” and the sub-conscious mind takes over and our conscious mind is free to do other things while our sub-conscious mind is directing our actions to achieve a pre-programmed goal.

The problem with allowing sub-conscious decision to take over all the time is, we will always make the same decisions, driving towards the same destination – good or bad. “if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got” Henry Ford. Remember, insanity is defined as “doing the same things over and over whilst expecting different results” Albert Eistein.

Think of it this way, sub-conscious (automated|pre-programmed) decisions are like automated car production assembly line…always produce the same product, time after time, until something along the assembly line is changed to interrupt the production. If you don’t like the product, stop automation and do a manual production – take time to consciously think over what you have taken for granted to be true. Take time to THINK over your valuesbelief and hence paradigm – these are the tools that your automated (sub-conscious) mind uses to make decisions FOR you.

Conscious Decisions
Conscious decisions usually comes to play when we are faced with situations where either it is a whole new scenarios with new alternatives (choices) or some new information is available which brings new choices to a familiar situation. Either way, conscious decisions are made from a mind awake to consider the outcomes – possibilities – having weighed different options presented.

Conscious Decision is made from the Four Platforms:
|Emotions – there are Five Basic Emotions from whence we often make decisions namely angerfearenvygrieflove. Of these five, the best platform to make decision from is love. Decision made from a place of anger, fear, envy or grief is often made from a distorted perception of reality and sense of balance.

||Intuition – this is coming from inner knower, you can’t quite put a finger on it but something inside gives you a clear distinct instruction. There is no emotion, no logic and no precedent but deep down inside you know what to do. Caution: your intuition could (and is) often wrong, take time to measure it with your inner man – the spirit, the you.

|||Logic – I am told gamblers lose because they don’t have the mindset of bankers and bankers fair average whilst has potential to be great because they don’t have the mindset of gamblers – and I am confused!!! I guess the point is there are time and place where not using logic is the best logic…disengage autopilot and fly manual THINKING throughout the flight. But indeed there are times you will need to use logic – good old common sense.

||||Spirit – man[kind] is a spirit, have a soul and live in the body. Soul has three components (emotions, intelligence, will). Thus making decisions from emotion, intuition (guts) and logic is coming from the soul. Within the soul lies you, the spirit, the you you.

The highest and best place to consult before making decision is drawing from within i.e. from you (the spirit you) emanating deep from unselfish you yet with a good sense balance of what is good for you and another. It is rightly said, “those who cannot go within, will go without”, a decision made from the inner true you can never be wrong, it can never result in loss or destruction because the true inner self you is – love.

Tim Kyara
ePastor|Hekima Consultant 
Light and Salt to the World:
Financial Freedom Fighter:

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