Saturday 15 August 2015

Got Pass-Port of Entry?

Every time we want to cross a ‘border’, one country to another [one kingdom to another, one authority to another], we will be asked to produce a valid ‘Passport’ with visa.

The passport essentially answers three questions,
ONE: Identitywho is this person trying to cross from one authority to another?
TWO: Passagewhere has he|she been before turning up here? Travel History!
THREE: Permitis the bearer permitted to walk into the new place of authority?

As I meditate on the passport requirement to cross a Physical Boarder, I began to see the similarity with passport requirement to cross the Income Boarders.

Crossing from Low Income to Middle Income and consequently into High Income authority will require you to produce your Passport.

You will have to report to immigration officers [the universal system – the law of success] with your passport and demonstrate your identity, declare where you have been and show if you have permit to enter the middle income land (or high income land as your case may be).

Those crossing from low to middle or middle to high income, they quickly realize they have to answer these questions, otherwise, they can sneak into the country but they will not stay long:

1.    Who Are You:
 – Identity is more than a name, it is the whole package, what you represent and present as a person, your gift and assignment to the world beginning with your local immediate community. It is not possible to cross the income border if you don’t know who you are and whose you are. If you are discovered to be a cheap copy of great original, you will be deported.

2.    Where have you Come From:
 – Where we come from leaves a scent in us knowingly and unknowingly, this scent may help or hinder our crossing depending on how we handle the past. We need to realize this if we are to overcome the power that our history holds in our today and future. What have you done in the past, will it hold here and if now, will you let it go but learn the valuable lesson from it?

3.    Do you have Permit:
_There is only ONE requirement if you are to get permit to stay ‘legally’ in the new area of authority. As you cross from low to middle or middle to high; you will be asked one question – what service do you bring? – what problem will you solve for us? Your visa to cross the financial boarder is in quality and quantity of the problems you are willing and able to solve for others.

So, if you tell me you want to cross the Financial Boarder, I will ask you ONE question – do you have a PASSPORT? If you don’t have your passport yet – I can help you, I am called to assist people get their passport and move up-country economically and consequently in their purpose for being here.

Peace be Unto you,
In His Service,

Tim Kyara
iCoach|Hekima Consultant 
Financial Freedom Fighter
Hekima TV_YouTube

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