Tuesday 22 September 2015

Confession of a Dream Killer

I am a dream killer; I take shape, size, form and personality to blend in with my opponent – the dreamer with chief aim TO KILL the dream i.e. a hopeful future.

Here is how I work
#1. I aim to prevent conception by keeping the dreamer in ignorance,
#2. If the a dream is conceived, I induce abortion by fear, self-doubt and unbelief,
#3. If a dream is born, I kill the baby by poison called procrastination and mediocrity

Using ignorance as my keen tool, I have kept millions from thinking and hence dreaming – leading to no conception in the hearts of men. For the few thousands who manage to escape my vice and conceive, I have a powerful drug of concocted mix of fear and un-belief; if I can inject enough dose of this to a conceived dreamer, abortion is inevitable.

Yet still for few hundreds who fall through my hands conceiving and bearing a dream, I have a special assassination plan executed by two skilful assassins called procrastination and self-doubt, it is next to impossible to escape their powerful riffle – except for the very few who have learnt how to bullet proof their dream – baby.

Protect You and Your Baby
Here is what you need to do, if you are to protect your dream baby:

i. Deal with your Ignorance
You must be a "student" for life, study your dream, study from those who have done what you would like to do, get a mentor if you can or buy books, dvd and youtube downloads from your favourite.topic|speakers. Learn from the failures – what not to do and learn from the success stories – what to do.

ii. Deal with Fear, Self-Doubt and Unbelief
Fear believes something dreadful (bad) will happen; it does not mean it will happen but you are afraid it might and you become anxious and despondent.
 fear_face the things you fear [what won't kill you, will make you strong]
 un-belief_is believing you don't believe, it is deadly to your dream. If anyone can, YOU can.

iii. Deal with Mediocrity and Procrastination
Procrastination (and mediocre life style) is a result of deep-rooted fear that what you have to do either will not change much or will not matter at all in the bottom line. If a knife is thrown your direction, will you procrastinate moving out of the way? Of course not.

We deal with procrastination by writing a list of what we want to do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually and 5yrs, 10yrs, 20yrs and lifetime. Then write the impact of both doing and not doing. What happens if your income will remain the same a year from now?

Peace be Unto you,
In His Service,

Tim Kyara
iCoach|Hekima Consultant 
Financial Freedom Fighter
Hekima TV_YouTube

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